Loots & Objects
Killing enemies will allow you to win loots.
A rarity system will manage the loot of objects.
Each type of enemy will have specific loot.
The player will be able to collect objects from certain trees and bushes (farm).
The player will be able to buy items from merchants.
Killing monsters from the bestiary will allow the player to increase his chances of finding "special items".
There will be epic and legendary items within the game
The player can heal himself using healing potions.
The player will be able to open chests and collect items
The player can use his items to: heal, eat, sell them to a merchant, select a weapon to fight.
The inventory of the player will contain a limited number of slots. This will force the player to make choices (resale, storage in a chest...etc).
Each slot will be limited to 99 items.
The toolbar will allow you to quickly access consumables. You can place food, potions, consumables.. Weapons cannot be mounted in this location. The equipment slots will be there for that.
Last updated