Sold out
The mint from the first collection took place some weeks after the official launch of the project Arcadia.
Whitelist: YES
Where? On our website
Date: November/December 2022
Price: 0.4 EGLD ( OG - WL ) & 0.6 public sale
You will find below the financial system of the MINT:

Project wallet
As shown, 50% of the revenues from the mint are destinated to the Project Wallet. This wallet represents the cash flow of the project.
This cash will be used for the development and the promotion of the project. 60% of the royalties will be injected into this wallet.
DAO wallet
The other half of the mint revenue will be allocated to the DAO wallet. These revenues will be used to generate rewards for the holders.
10% of the rewards will be reinjected in order to grow this wallet.
20% of the royalties will also be injected into this wallet.
Team wallet
This wallet will be the remuneration of the team.
Last updated